Wanderwach & Kaffee
Wanderwach & Kaffee erzählt Stories von unterwegs auf den langen Strecken! Ob Wandern oder Radfahren - wichtig ist die Langstrecke. Mareike spricht mit unterschiedlichen Gästen über ihre Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse: Warum macht man „so was“? Was erlebt man unterwegs? Was macht das mit einem? Wie geht das Leben danach weiter? Der Podcast soll inspirieren, Mut machen, zum Nachdenken anregen und auch die Story hinter der Story erzählen. Folgt Wanderwach & Kaffee auch auf Instagram @wanderwach_kaffee_podcast Dort könnt ihr euch auch gern melden, wenn ihr selbst Lust habt, von den eigenen langen Wegen zu erzählen.
Wanderwach & Kaffee
Tim Voors talks about Te Araroa and Thru-Hiking
Today’s guest, Tim Voors, I actually met very briefly while hiking New Zealand’s long-distance trail, Te Araroa, in 2018. Back then, I only hiked the South Island and went northbound. Tim did the whole trail and went southbound. We had a brief conversation standing in a creek while passing each other. We have never lost contact, and I am thrilled to have Tim on today’s show.
Tim made long-distance hiking an occasional lifestyle, wrote a handful of books about his adventures on various long-distance trails, and generally just is an inspiring person to talk to. Tim hiked multiple trails such as the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, Te Araroa, Kungsleden in Sweden, Fishermen’s Trail in Portugal, the Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage in Japan, and a couple of other trails.
In our episode, we talk about thru-hiking in general and also about bits and pieces of Te Araroa. But overall, it is a conversation about life on the trail, trail culture, trail ethics, how to perceive long-distance hiking, and how to implement thru-hiking in an occupied life.
I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation.
Yours truly, Mareike
Check out Tim’s writing about his various trails and also some travels: https://randomtrailtales.wordpress.com/te-araroa/
I can thoroughly recommend reading every single book Tim wrote (well, the ones in English anyway):
Follow Tim on Instagram, and don’t miss his fantastic watercolor paintings from the trail:
Or look into seeing Tim for one of his workshops on thru-hiking, publishing books, or painting:
Watch his talk about hiking Te Araroa here:
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Übrigens kann man mein Buch über den Pacific Crest Trail "Wildnis, ich komme!" über Amazon beziehen.